Let go and let Higher Power/God/Divine/ Love-Light-Joy do it.

My Hearts Choices

affirmation love light inteligence the heart to be happyAffirmation:
” Divine / Love-Light-Joy-Intelligence always turns up in the right time and space
and it comes with all my good in the right time. Things are always perfectly
working out for me. So it is. It is done“

From “The HeArt to Be Happy” by Andreas Antero Ahrens

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2 thoughts on “Let go and let Higher Power/God/Divine/ Love-Light-Joy do it.

  1. Maia , Andreas,
    I love you two. It is positive love I asked for earlier in the day. Then I received your email, bam! here we are. My request filled, My ears are ringing & singing and my eyes inside are shining. My heart in my soul outside of the worlds old, all around the sky, freely sailing on the wings of light & love from above. LoveCry LoveCry Love. Just let go and fly…byebyebyebyebyebye

    Stay well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Gaswas .. Abundant blessings of love and light to you always .. Beautiful words Thank you for those too & yes lots of singing and ringing in the ears with the vibrations rising so much .. keep shining beautiful soul and flying on those wings of light and love .. Wishing you a magical day today and every day M


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